Editorship: Editors (editor-in-chief, executive editor, technical editor, deputy editor, associate editor or member of the editorial board) are experts in the respective field and play central roles in the peer-review process. Editors are selected based on their excellent scientific qualification, and reputation in the field, plus their demonstrated commitment. They are expected to strictly follow guidelines to not only maintain quality of publications but also to ensure best possible publication ethics.
Confidentiality: Editors shall only access the submitted manuscripts for evaluation of quality and peer-review process. They shall not disclose any contents (full or partial) in any media (electronic or print) before the publication of the material or without prior written consent of the authors. Any idea or concept generated through the submitted manuscript shall not be used for personal benefits or financial gain.
Assessment of Manuscripts: Editors shall evaluate contents purely based on the scientific quality and advancement in the existing understanding. Decisions shall not be based on race, gender, geographical origin, religion, and ethnicity and on any other personal or commercial interests.
Flexibility and Cooperation: Editors are required to suggest and support the ethical standards, be willing to consider retractions, rectifications, and erratum and cooperate with authors to improve the quality of publications.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Editors shall not consider any submitted manuscript for the review process himself/herself where there is conflict of interests. In such situations, an alternative editor or member of the editorial board shall be considered.
Accountabilities: In case publisher suspect any form of misconduct, malpractice or unethical act, the matter shall be investigated promptly in agreement with authors and would be solved with diligence.
Please read full description of the Role of Editorial Board Members.
Whilst the Editorial Advisory Board members are not compensated financially for their contribution to the journal, The Grassroots Institute can offer the following benefits: 1) You may list your membership of the Board on your academic curriculum vitae. 2) Your name is listed within each issue of the journal and extended information on the journal’s website. 3) Some members are invited to International Advisory Council of The Grassroots Institute (having other extended benefits). 4) Possibility of your engagement in some relevant activities undertaken by The Grassroots Institute. 5) Academic solidarity. 6) discount entitling you to a reduction in the Article Processing Charge (APC) of a submission to any of our journals.
Almost all journals of the Grassroots Institute appreciate and strive to engage committed and progressive academics, researchers and practitioners in order to produce quality texts and published articles. An Editorial Board member will be asked to review 1-2 manuscripts per year and may help to edit a special issue on a topic related to his or her research interests. Additionally, the Editorial Board members will be approached for input or feedback regarding new regulations relating to the journal from time to time. The members will also be required to publish 1-2 self-authored or co-authored articles in the journal they are the members of. Editorial Board Members are also encouraged to help promote the journal among their peers or at conferences. The communication with Editorial Board Members is done primarily by email. The initial term for an Editorial Board membership is 2-3 years and can be extended. An Editorial Board Member may also step down from the position at any time if he or she feels overloaded by the requests from the journal’s Editorial Office.
If you are interested to join our Editorial Boards, please read different sections of this website and roles of the members. You may download the Invitation Letters from our Institute’s website:
When other positions of editors (editor-in-chief, executive editor, technical editor, deputy editor, associate editor) are filled by identifying and inviting eligible experts, people interested in becoming Member of Editorial (Advisory) Board of a journal can apply through email or by using online application system. In case, the Grassroots Institute has invited you by email to join a particular journal as a Member of Editorial Board, you will need not to submit apply online. Else, we will welcome and be glad received your application using online application system. Please follow the steps as mentioned below:
- Create your ‘Login’ and ‘Password’.
- Click “Apply for Editorial Member”.
- You will get a window asking for your basic details and declarations.
- Feed your details, attach your CV and list of publications.
- Check the declarations.
- Click “Submit” button.
- You will receive a system generated acknowledgement.
When you are ready, go for
Apply for Editorial Member
Until our website accepts online applications for the Membership of Editorial Board, we are request the applications through email. Interested scholars and experts are requested to send their expression of interest along with the list of their publications and profile weblinks. The Editors will contact back and communicate further. The letters can be sent to the Managing Editor or to the Editor-in-Chief of the respective journal.